Prayer is how we rewrite history before it happens. We believe that if we pray regularly, irregular things will regularly happen.


We believe one encounter with Jesus can change everything. Everything we do has the primary purpose of providing people with an encounter with Jesus.


We are people of His Spirit. We aren’t weak when it comes to worship but rather are noticeably expressive. We are creative in our expressions of worship and when it comes to serving God we have an attitude of “We get to do this!”


We are dreamers. We anticipate the miraculous. Because nothing is impossible for God, we are eternally optimistic. We ask big and expect bigger.


Hope changes everything. We are hope distributors. We speak life and plant seeds of promise.


We are a safe place to belong before you believe. We make room for people and all of their baggage. We are a refuge and place of inclusion and acceptance for all people. Grace doesn’t just cover us—grace transforms us.


We embrace diversity and strive for unity. We deal with division quickly and in love. We honor the past without living in it. We love having fun together. We know how to laugh and cry together equally well. We are always growing because healthy things always do.


Every life is filled with divine potential. There is always a next step. We are a place where anyone can be equipped for Kingdom purposes. A community where we are always growing and where leaders are born.


Because God gave extravagantly we do too. Generosity is a reflection of God’s character and an act of worship. We believe you can never out- give God and that when you take care of the warfront, God takes care of the homefront. We know that as we sow generously, God will multiply our seed for sowing and increase the harvest of our righteousness.

(2 Corinthians 9:10)


God calls ordinary people to make a global impact. Kaufman Assembly is a place where people learn to serve and are often sent to serve elsewhere. From within our walls, individuals respond to the call of God to minister outside our walls.


“The church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.” - William Temple.

Our focus is not primarily on ourselves but on being expressions of Christ’s love to those beyond our property lines.


A group of people advancing the Kingdom of God in the church, community, and world through an on-going, above-and- beyond the tithe, stewardship emphasis. Kingdom Builders has three focus areas: Local, Global, and The Future. Each of these supports different ministries and projects across the world.


Frequently Asked Questions About Kaufman Assembly

  • Office Hours

    The Kaufman Assembly Office is open four days a week, Monday through Thursday. The office hours are 9am to 3pm each day.

  • Ministry Opportunities

    For our Kaufman Kids Ministry (age 3-11), we have a main service on Sunday mornings at 10am in our Fellowship Hall and a preschool class with Miss Carol Mays, as well as Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries available on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.

    For our Kaufman Youth Ministry (age 12-18, or grade 6-12), we have our midweek youth service at 7pm on Wednesday evenings in our Fellowship Hall. We also have other fun events and outings outside of our regular Wednesday night schedule.

    You can find more info about our ministry opportunities by clicking the link below.

  • Church Calendar

    To find more information about any upcoming events here at Kaufman Assembly, please feel free to download the Church Center app and join our church community. You can find more details about anything that’s happening in our congregation.

    To find more info about the app, click the link below!

  • Giving Options

    We have many options available to make giving easy for you:

    1) Online -> Simply click the button below to give online. Our online giving is safe and secure.

    2) In Person -> We have offering envelopes and a secure dropbox available in our sanctuary.

    3) By Mail -> You’re always welcome to mail your offerings to our church address.

    3401 S Houston St. Kaufman, TX 75142

  • Contact Us

    To contact any of our Pastors, Staff Members, or Ministry Directors, you can call the church office at (972) 962-6574, or you can email each of us directly at our specialized emails.

    Kristi Roberts (Administrative Assistant / Finance):

    Julie McDougal (Kids Ministry Director):

    Pastor Matthew Waggoner (Youth Pastor):

    Pastor Jennifer Hastie (Next Steps & Connections Pastor):

    Pastor Lane Hastie (Lead Pastor):