Say hello to the leadership team at Kaufman Assembly
Pastors Lane & Jennifer have been married for 25+ years. Their lives declare the faithful goodness of God! God has given them a heart for the hurting and an unwavering desire to bring people into the presence of Almighty God. Together they have raised three children: Parker who is married to his wife Emma; Taylor who is SPED teacher in Springfield, MO; and Bailey who is a student at Evangel University.
Meet the rest of our office staff team
Lane is a fourth generation Assemblies of God pastor. After earning his degree in business from Evangel University, he felt the call of God to ministry. He has served in full-time ministry since 1995. Past ministry roles include: Youth Pastor, Lead Associate Pastor, Church Planter, and Lead Pastor in locations across the nation. He and Jennifer have been thrilled to serve the amazing people of Kaufman Assembly since January of 2021.
Lane also serves as the Presbyter for the Metro East Section of the North Texas Assemblies of God (NTAG). He relishes the opportunities the Lord has given to serve on the NTAG Missions Board, The board of directors to "The Center" (, and to help spearhead the "Change the Map" Prayer initiative for the NTAG.
Lane loves spending time with his wife and kids, his morning devotional time, playing golf, taking walks, traveling, and trying new restaurants. Optimism permeates his attitude and he strives to speak life and bring encouragement to anyone he meets.
Jennifer was born and raised in Ventura, California. Having played basketball of the University of California at Davis and earning a Physiology Degree, she returned to her home church where she met Lane who was serving as Youth Pastor.
Jennifer has a Masters in Educational Leadership and is a licensed minister with the North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. She has served in countless areas of ministry over the past 25+ years including: Kids Ministry Director, First Impressions Team Director, Facilities Management, Women's Ministry Leader, and Youth Ministry Leader as well as doing "whatever needs to be done" along the way.
Jennifer thrives in helping people make connections and take the next step in their Christians walk. She develops methods, procedures, and policy for ministry teams and gives oversight to the following ministry areas (current & to come): Growth Track, Discipleship, Small Groups, Volunteer Teams, First Impressions, Assimilation, and Prayer Teams. She exudes a heart of compassion and strives to make everyone feel and experience their God-given value and worth.
Matthew & Mercedes met at Evangel University in Springfield, MO. They have an amazing heart for students and desire to lead students to Christ and into God's purpose for their lives. Both come from wonderful ministry families and together they are privileged to serve the Lord and His people.
Kristi was born and raised in nearby Seagoville. God has been faithful to her. She is an amazing mother and cherishes her role as "Nana-K" to her grandchildren. Along with the countless things she does to help keep things running smoothly at Kaufman Assembly, she manages to successfully tackle the countless activities that come along with having a very active teenage son, Lance, still at home. Kristi is a blessing to everyone she encounters.